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Tixall Poetry.
This then doth authorise my attendance here,
Makes me approach with confidence so nere;
Since I contribute what I want, I pay
The just expected tribute of the day.
Wishes as fervent as the gayest youth,
Whose gaudy outside vaporeth, that truth
The wiser brest doth hive, and not, like fire,
Fling his wild attomes till himselfe expire.
My first address of wishes for this payre
Is, may they only fix wher true joyes are;
She nere repent but her too slow beliefe
Of his establish't vertue; and our chiefe,
May he finde all the mirracles I lost;
Prodigious flames, with more prodigious frost,
Concenter'd in one bosome, thence improve
I' th' mistery of misteryes, good love.
May both (as in all else) chiefly combinde,
In the preserving of each other's minde
From all innate corruptions, and surprize
By assault of all extrinsicke enemyes.
May that blest peace begin and end their rayne,
Which cleares all tempests, and excludes all payne.