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Tixall Poetry.

You will pardon, I hope, this digression, and any when she comes in my way, (and I am sure I am out of mine when she is not,) and I doubt you thinke I had need make an apology for having made this, being, as you may truly say, much adoe about nothing. I should thinke so too, did I not remember that good love was the best thing in heaven and earth, and all this was but to express it was not wanting to you in the else despicable heart of

Your affectionate Uncle and

Humble Servant,

Jan. I.Her. Aston.

On Argalus and Parthenia.


His being was in her alone,
And he not being she was none.
They joy’d one joy, one grief they grieved,
One love they lov’d, one life they liv’d.
The hand was one, one was the sword,
That did his death her death afford.
As all the rest, so now the stone
That tombs the two is justly one.