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Tixall Poetry.
The foreheads in loves edifice
The faire engraved frontispeece,
Where nature gave in beautys face
The uper end and midle place.
Are they not natures enemyes,
Who steale it thence to cheekes or eyes?
Nor will the single forehead mone,
Because the cheekes are two for one;
Since beautys dread soveraignty
Can onely dwell in unetye.
The cheekes, the lips, the hands, the feete,
Outmatched alone, in couples meete.
Had not the forehead matchles bin,
We, Janus-like, still two had sene;
But nature made it one, because
She could not such another cause,
And wisely left it single yet,
Till she knows how to doble it:
Or, least so high a doble blisse
Should cause a doble presipice,
For murderd harts she did invent
A single toombe and monument.