Page:To The Women Electors Of Queensland.djvu/4

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It is not necessary for me to enlarge upon the evils resulting from the employment in factories etc., of children of tender age. I am convinced that every endeavour should be made to give our children a sound, general, and technical education, before permitting them to enter upon the struggle for a livelihood. It is to the physical and mental training of our youths that Australia must depend for her future, and any attempt to induce or force children into employment before they are equipped, will be to our detriment, and will receive my strong disapproval.

In conclusion I may state that I have always made it my endeavour to ameliorate the conditions of life for the toiling masses, to make their homes brighter and place them upon a higher plane of social comfort and enjoyment. This aim in life I shall continute to persue. To further the enactment of laws for the elevation of the people of my adopted country, to foster and protect her industries, and to give my earnest advocacy to all measures that may tend to the advancement of our Australian Continent, will I assure you, be always the objects towards which I shall direct my best endeavours and energies.

I purpose visiting as many centres of the State as possible prior to the Election, and will be pleased indeed to have your presence at my meetings.

Yours sincerely and respectfully,


Parliament House,

Melbourne, September 19th, 1903.

Electors must vote for 3 Candidates for the Senate,, otherwise the Ballot-paper will be declared informal. Place X opposite the names of the Candidates for whom you wish to record your vote for the SENATE. NO NAMES SHOULD BE CROSSED OUT.

Cameron, Laing, and Co, Printers, Brisbane,