Page:To the Public. There Has Been a Design Formed … to Send the Gospel to Guinea.djvu/1

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There has been a deſign formed, and ſome attempts have lately been made, to ſend the goſpel to Guinea, by encouraging and furniſhing two men to go and preach the goſpel to their brethren there : And a memorial was drawn up ſome time ſince with this view ; and a number of copies in manuſcript were diſperſed, which is now offered to the public.

TO all who are deſirous to promote the kingdom of Chriſt on earth, in the ſalvation of ſinners, the following narrative and propoſal are offered, to excite and ſolicit their charity and prayers.

'There are two negro men, members of the firſt congregational church in Newport, on Rhode-Iſland, named Briſtol Yamma, and John Quamine, who were hopefully converted ſome years ago : and have from that time ſuſtained a good character as chriſtians, and have made good proficiency in chriſtian knowledge. The latter is ſon of a rich man in Annamaboe, and was ſent by his father to this place for an education among the Engliſh, and then to return home : Which the perſon to whom he was committed engaged to perform, for a good reward. But inſtead of being faithful to his truſt, he ſold him as a ſlave for life. But God in his providence has put it in the power of both of them to obtain their freedom. They joined in purchaſing a ticket in a lottery, which drew a prize of 300 dollars. With this, and ſome other helps, they have purchaſed their liberty. The former is, however, fifty dollars in debt, as he could not purchaſe his freedom under 200;
