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"You scared that half-breed Nadeau into going back with the supply-boats?"

"Yes, he knew this river. I followed him to your tent and heard what he said. Then I told him to go back with the supply-boats, for he fears the Makwa."

"And you broke your pole in the rapids and risked drowning yourself to keep us from finding the break in the hills?"

"Yes, but it was no good, no good!"

"Will McDuff find an easy grade through to the north?"

"No, there are many hills there and high; they must come this way after all."

"David, my friend, if there was a good way north, I'd try to help you. But other engineers follow us this winter on the snow. We are only a flying survey. They are sure to find the easy grade through the hills above here."

"Yes," assented the old man sorrowfully, "the white man is strong; he will find The Beautiful Valley."

At sunset they climbed to the bald brow of the mountain. Gordon followed his guide up out of the thick scrub to the rock face of the summit and stood thrilled at the panorama rolling away for forty miles to the west.

With a sweep of his long arm, David said proudly:

"Look, my son, upon The Beautiful Valley."

Flanked by high ridges to the north and south, the lower levels broken with undulating hills of jack-pine,