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THOMAS PAINE The Life of Thomas Paine By M. D. Conway

vols. 8°. Portraits. Net $S.oo 

New edition. 2 vols, in one. Net $ •* It seems to us impossible to doubt that he was a noble-hearted man. . . He was treated with a base ingratitude that nothing but religious intolerance could explain, excepting also that even still the services of mind and pen seem far less valuable to the vulgar crowd than gunpowder and steel. However, Paine's life is now for the first time before us. We congratulate Mr. Conway on the accomplishment of so laborious a task, a work well done, and well worth the doing." — Churchman. COMPLETE WORKS. Now for the first time collected. Political, Sociological, Religious, and Literary. Edited by M, D.. Conway, with introduction and notes.

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" " Per set we^ $10.00 " Mr. Conway's fine edition of Paine's works is one that deserves, and is sure of obtaining, a warm welcome from all admirers of the sensible thinker." — Glasgow Pub. Circular. BY THOMAS PAINE THE RIGHTS OF MAN. Being a Reply to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution. With frontis- piece. 8° $1.00 " The book is well printed and bound, and is an essential part of every historical library." — Boston Herald. THE AGE OF REASON. Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology. 8° . . . $1.25 " The poble part that the author of ' The Age of Reason ' played in the s uggle for American freedom is becoming more widely known. Paine was a patriot and he believed in God. It is time that a true knowledge of what he did and wrote should be circulated and the edition of Mr. Conway is to accomplish this." — Syracuse Post. Common Sense On the Origin and Design of Government in General, with Concise Remarks on the English Constitution Together with The American Crisis, 1776-1783 Cr. 5^ $1.00 New York — Q. P. Putnam's Sons London