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The general appearance and design of a depressed artery of the type suggested is shown in plate 54. As illustrated, the depressed and divided arterial lanes would be bordered on each side by one-way surface streets for local service. At intervals, important cross streets would be bridged over the depressed way and in the first blocks from each of such bridges, ramps at each side of the artery would afford separated up-and-down connections with the surface streets.

Plate 53
Plate 53.—Traffic flow chart for important arterial streets and boulevards in Baltimore. The chart is based largely on single 12-hour counts made in 1938, expanded to 24-hour average annual traffic by applying average factors for metropolitan areas.

The depressed highways, especially, would necessitate acquisition of wide rights-of-way, and it is because property along several of the suggested lines has already dropped close to its lowest level, and land
