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AN ACT Relative to the Construction, Maintenance, and Improvement of Freeways

[Rhode Island Public Laws, 1937 (January Session), C. 2537]

It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:

Section 1. A freeway is a way especially designed for through traffic over which abutters have no easement or right of light, air, or access by reason of the fact that their property abuts upon such way.

Sec. 2. The director of public works and the division of roads and bridges shall have full power and authority to lay out, establish, acquire, open, construct, improve, maintain, discontinue, and regulate the use of freeways within this state in the same manner or manners in which said director and said division, respectively, may now lay out, establish, acquire, open, construct, improve, maintain, discontinue, and regulate the use of highways within the state. Said director and division shall also have any and all other additional authority and power relative to such freeways as they now respectively possess relative to highways, including the authority and power to acquire or accept title to the lands or right-of-way needed for the same.

Sec. 3. Where an existing highway has been designated as or included within a freeway by the said director or division, existing easements of access, light, or air may be extinguished by purchase or by taking under eminent domain, in accordance with any existing method now exercised by said director or said division in purchasing or taking land for highway purposes. Access to such freeway from any existing highway, road, or street may be regulated and restricted by the said director or said division of roads and bridges. Access to any such freeway from any new highway, road, or street shall be subject to the consent and approval of said director and said division.

Sec. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and the passage of this act shall be considered supplementary and in addition to any and all other powers now exercised by the director of public works and the division of roads and bridges




13. (1) Any highway authority may acquire any land within two hundred and twenty yards from the middle of any road the acquisition of which is, in their opinion, necessary for the purposes of the construction or improvement of the road or of preventing the erection of buildings detrimental to the view from the road and, if they are unable to do so by agreement on terms which are in their opinion reasonable, they may purchase the land compulsorily by means of an order (in this Act referred to as a “compulsory purchase order”) made by them and confirmed by the Minister and the provisions of sections one hundred and sixty-one and one hundred and sixty-two, one hundred and seventy-four and one hundred and seventy-five of the Local Government Act, 1933, and of paragraph (a) of section one hundred and seventy-nine of that Act, shall apply with respect to any such order in like manner as they apply to orders to be confirmed by the Minister of Health under that Act:

Provided that the Lands Clauses Acts and the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, as incorporated in the order, shall be subject to the