Page:Tolstoy - Essays and Letters.djvu/144

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You ask me : (1) What I understand by the word religion, and, (2) Is it possible to liave a morality inde- pendent of religion, in the sense in which I understand that word ?

I will do my best to answer these most important and excellently-put questions.

Three different meanings are commonly given to the word religion.

The first is, that religcion is a special and true revela- tion given by God to man, and is a worship of God in accord with that revelation. This meaning is given to religion by people who believe in one or other of the existing religions, and who consequently consider that particular religion to be the only true one.

The second meaning is, that religion is a collection of certain superstitious beliefs, as well as a superstitious form of worship that accords with such beliefs. This is the meaning given to religion by unbelievers in general, or by such as do not accept the particular religion they are defining.

Tlie third meaning is, that religion is a collection of propositions and laws devised by wise men, and needed to console the common people, to restrain their pas- sions, and to make the masses manageable. This meaning is given to religion by those who are in- different to religion as religion, but consider it a useful instrument for Governments.

  • A reply to questions put to Tolstoy by a German

Ethical Society.

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