Page:Tolstoy - Essays and Letters.djvu/158

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esseuce of Christianity something that is really a rude perversion of it — liave decided that Cliristianity is a condition humanity has outlived, and that the ancient, pagan. State-social view of life held by tliem (one that is really worn out) is tlie very highest understanding of life, and the one humanity should persistently cling to. Holding this view, they not only do not under- stand Christianity — that highest view of life humanity is approaching — but they do not even try to under- stand it.

The chief source of this misunderstanding lies in the fact that tlie scientists, parting company with Christianity and recognising that their science does not accord with it, have decided that the fault lies with Christianity and not with their science. That is to say, they are pleased to believe, not what is really the case, that their science is 1,800 years beliind Christianity, which already influences a large part of contemporary society, but that Christianity has lagged 1,800 years behind science.

From this reversal of roles come the astonishing fact, that no people have a more confused conception of the essence and true importance of religion, of morality, or of life, than scientists ; and the yet more astonishing fact that the science of to-day — wliile accomplishing really great succ>^ss in investigating the phenomena of the material world — turns out to be of no use for the direction of human life, or even does actual harm.

And, therefore, I think that certainly it is neither philosophy nor science that determines man^s relation to the universe, but it is always religion.

So to your first question, ' V'hat do I understand by the word religion,' I reply : Religion is a relation man sets up between himself and the eiidless and infinite universe, or, its source and first cause.

From this answer to the first question, the answer to the second follows naturally.

If religion is a relation man establishes towards the universe — a relation which determines the meaning of life — then morality is the indication and explanation of