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Infinity ; and therefore every religion contains the conception of the equality of all men before that which it regards as God : whether that he lightning, wind, a tree, an animal, a hero, or a deceased — or even a living — king (as occurred in Rome). So that the admission of the equality of man, is an inevitable and fundamental characteristic of every religion. But as equality among men never has existed anywhere in actual life, and does not now exist, it has happened that as soon as a new religious teaching appeared (always including a confession of equality among all men*) then at once those people for whom inequality was profitable tried to hide this essential feature by perverting the teaching itself. So it has happened always, wherever a new religious teaching appeared. And this has been done for the most part not con- sciously, but merely because those to whom inequality was profitable — the rulers and the rich — in order to feel themselves justified by the teaching without having to alter their position, have tried by all means to fasten upon the religious teaching an interpretation sanctioning inequality. And, naturally, a religion so perverted that those who lorded it over others could consider themselves justified in so doing — when passed on to the common people, instilled into them also the idea that submission to those who exercise authority is demanded by the religion they profess.

All human activity is evoked by three motive causes : Feeling, Reason, and Suggestion, the last-named being the same thing that doctors call hypnotism. Some- times man acts only under the influence of feeling — simply striving to get what he desires. Sometimes he acts solely under the influence of reason, which shows

  • That is to say that all are equal in the sight of God ;

that human laws and customs should give them an equal right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; and that men should treat one another as brothers.