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Pekin and hobnob with Majesty—I don't know but you would do that part better, but I want to try it on— Boy, get two pegs—you're to go home—"

"Home?" said Beauling.

"Home with the letters, and the people they are to will take you in hand and put you through the mines and through the mines and through the mines until you've learned to be over one of the mines, and you will put your mind on the mines; and after you've learned and learned and learned, you'll blow back here and up to Shen-se and be the new Emperor of China. The present one is yellow, and the next one's going to be black. Will you do it, Tommie?"

Tommie smiled an embracing smile. "If he means it, I will," he said to himself. "Not because I want to be the coal-black Emperor of China particularly, but because it's something I've never done before." And aloud he said: "If you make me that offer to-morrow morning in time for me to catch the boat for Yokohama, I will accept."