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suddenly become deep red and bloodless white in irregular splotches.

"Did you get my cable?" said Beauling.

Tibbs wriggled.

"Well, you know," he began—"you see, didn't think it called for 'n answer. Was going to come, anyway."

"What!" said Beauling, in amazement.

"All a mistake," said Tibbs; "funniest thing in the world; but here—can't talk here; too much crowd—tired of standing up, very. Come to my rooms; got comfortable quarters; give you a good drink."

They went to Tibbs's rooms. He had a whole second floor and two servants.

"You're pretty comfortable for an absconder," said Beauling, severely.

"Ugly word, that," said Tibbs; "but funny that you should use it under the circumstances, very funny—all a mistake, you know. Oh, by the way, cable from Ellen this morning—Jack out of danger—all well."