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himself ornamented the walls. The head of a cow-faced moose looked out alarmingly over the top of an ugly black-walnut sideboard. His neck was lost in shadow, and you might have stretched your imagination to believe that a stall containing the animal's body and legs was situated immediately behind that offensive piece of furniture. Judge Tyler lifted the child into the arm-chair at the head of the solid mahogany.

"There," said the judge. He reached the door, stopped, turned, and went over to the sideboard with somewhat of the stealthy manner with which we may assume that a thief moves. Out of a Canton-ware bowl he took a fig, hesitated, and took another. These he thrust hastily into the child's hand.

"There," he said gruffly.

The child eyed first the judge and then the figs.

"Don't eat too fast," said the judge, still more gruffly. He hurried out of the room, closing the door behind him with something more than firmness and some-