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coldly. "They loved you very deeply, Harmony."

"Yes," said she, "I broke their hearts, for theirs was a gospel of forgiveness, and they could not find it in their hearts to forgive. They would not take me back. Did you know that? When I saw how I had hurt them, I offered to go back. Did you know that? I offered to go back and live in that house. And when I made that offer, I had done nothing in any way shameful. But they said I had made my bed and I must lie in it. And I was glad of that, for, though it was hard and narrow, I loved the bed I had made for myself. The sun waked me.

"That summer I sang at Peaks Island in Portland Harbor. And the people up there liked me and the songs I sang. And the other people in the company were friendly with me because I was good and only wanted to live and let live. One night a man who was going to put on a comic opera in New York heard me sing, and offered me a part in it. Think how happy I was! Think of getting to New