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"Nauseating!" he said—"Nauseating! Then it's you that are nauseating, young woman—you and your kind. You needn't come any further. I do not need you. Your poor sister is dead in my house—but I will look after that. Go back to your children—God help them, and may God help such women as you not to have children!—but don't you speak or look a word at Tom Beauling! You understand me? I will come and take him out of your house as soon as I can."

"I did not know that Harmony was dead," said Dorothy, with feeling. "I shall have to go on now."

"If you are coming, come," said Judge Tyler; "but if you have anything to say about your sister or the boy, I beg you to remember that there is such a thing as decency."

Judge Tyler pushed open the gate of his yard, and held it back with old-fashioned courtesy.