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into the dining-room. The gentlemen arose at exactly the same moment.

"I hope you will excuse me for coming in like this." said Dorothy, firmly; "but my husband thinks I owe you an apology, Judge Tyler, for letting you take so much trouble that we should have taken—"

Judge Tyler dismissed the apology with a wave of his hand.

"It's pretty hard to suffer for other people's faults," she went on. "But perhaps we are made to, to make up for something wrong we have done ourselves. Anyway, we can't judge about that, and so I've come to say that I am willing to take charge of Harmony's child. My husband thinks I ought to. So I've come to take him home."

Judge Tyler shot an instantaneous "I-told-you-so" at the doctor.

"Dorothy," he said, "I'm glad that you've come to see the matter in this light, and by making the offer you are doing your duty, I cannot believe gladly, but I will say cheerfully, and in a manner