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liked better came along, or that the people who did like that part could get out of the train and stay there. One man was so afraid that a station would go by before he could get on it, that he jumped out of the train while the landscape was still in motion and fell on his nose. And a woman was so curious about it that she dropped all her important bundles (presents for her children, Beauling conjectured) and ran to see what had happened to the man. But the man got up, and was very angry with the woman for looking at him. Just as the station moved off, Beauling saw the woman pick up the presents for her children that she had dropped. He was very curious about one. It was in a paper bag, and seemed to have melted, for it all ran out of the bottom of the bag—yellow and white. The woman dropped it, and the man drew back his foot to kick it. But at that the station disappeared, and the man and the woman, and Beauling never knew whether the man managed to kick the poor melted present or not.

He looked up at the judge, and found