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and delicious in the village. The sun came at such an angle through the window that it was difficult to read the paper. He thought of his pleasant study, with its controllable lights. The trip was long and dusty. He had made it often before; nothing was new or interesting. He vowed he would never make it again. There were too many people in the streets. They hurried by in all directions, with white faces and nervous steps. The people at Mitford had color in their cheeks. He saw many little boys with faces as old and hard as the faces of men. He looked down at the rosy boy at his side. How soon the cheeks would pale, and the little face grow troubled! He thought of his own childhood, the daisies and the meadow through which the trout brook streamed, the shady woods, the gentle cows that gave him milk, the sounds of the birds in the morning. Judge Tyler looked up and up at the great face of the house. And at one of the windows he saw the face of a child that looked out and out.