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boys together, aren't we? Just as careless and light-hearted as so many boys. But I've been thinking that some day we must have a serious talk about this and that. And what could be a better time than now? Here am I, comfortable in bed; there are you, comfortable in that chair. What do you say to having it out now?"

"Yes, sir," said Tommie.

Judge Tyler drew a deep breath. Then he thrust under the pillow, and came out with an old, faded photograph. He held it face down across his knee, and Tommie noticed that the stained, yellow back sported a gryphon's head, gilt, and, written across one corner in violet ink, his own name. He himself drew something of a long breath. The photograph promised an answer to certain questions.

"About your name, Tommie," said the judge; "did you ever wonder why you were called Beauling, and not Tyler after me?"

"Yes, sir," said Tommie, "I have wondered."