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"I might have known you would take it that way," said Judge Tyler, his eyes full of love and pride. "I might have known it."

"Yes, sir," said Tommie.

Judge Tyler handed him the photograph.

"That is your father and your mother," he said. "Tommie," he said, "if ever you meet your father, you tell him that an old man was made happy by his sin."

Tommie looked at the photograph during an interval that was neither short nor long. Then, with a little gulp, he knelt by the judge and threw his arms about him.

"Tommie, sometime I will have to go and leave you. You're down in my will for everything I've got. It isn't much, but you need never want for most things. I'll hate to go and leave you, Tommie. What are you going to do with your life—boy?"

"What do you want me to do—father?"