Page:Tom Swift and His Sky Racer.djvu/229

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TH JERR Y TO D D By LEO EDWARDS SERIES —;1] • r I.ll —l;0];1] -y I) I I;0] Detective stories for boys! Jerry pals solve many a baffling mystery their home town, . much to the amusement of all who read of their adventures. Todd and his trusty JERRY TODD AND THE amazmu W edeautare in die museum 4 mummy actually whisper? And did it later vaaiih of its own accord? WHISPERING MUMMY going to happen. Fine 1III;0] hi Tuner College. Did the JERRY TODD AND THE OAK ISLAND TREASURE Jerry Todd and hi pals stthemselvesup in theshow business by tram- fanning a disused clay scow of Mr. Todds into a floating theatre. And a very wonderful show it is! Certainly it leads the boys into aucepdaual adcaumao ernie climax. GROSSET & DUNLAP, Puawarewss, NEW YORK Go gle E Ill tW. Individual Col. Wrappers Foe Story Every Vol___ C pInto in Itself us Heedg bean daly appalatad “Jacaaila Jupiter Deteadces;1] ., Jerry TedS eudhd OaOy pals Ihtla maTh bow fan comes F era JERRY TODD AND THE ROSE-COLORED CAT Can dy the doaaes; ran by W headreds; end man impamet of all, a my as hrceAaedred duller wwulamd am Thea earner W famous. able accident at Cedy AictadCs eciaerredr tail: W apemdae; Mr acm- dare ci rinwohim; W hmerel. These F a laugh ae aemy pegw JERRY TODD ATD YRE WACTRIDO RET That nage lice? Why dm- d woha? And whet d the sacrat ci the prTh?eg path? Thee, aeon a Ac DWa had awhw thad so pthchip mymdaady, the haT aid Idsed ddey Titan comes ida hid thW JERRY TODD AND YRE YACDIDD ERDD Jerry Chad and charm Fyd tagsthsrtu help another hay save a hi pecaTh lace adce ci hi ledTha e tethFp Fap him thWiep heeda -wed hreethlessly hr Ca lonely hThr dame wham Mr arch a sceapa dae;h. Faa mid myowy hcra I;1] S;0] mehes had met redF