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Scene.—A street. Entrance at r. and l.

ENTER Jerry at r., singing. ENTER Tom at l. Both meet at c.

Tom. Here, here, stop all that noise.

Jerry. Noise ? What 's de matter wid yo head, man ? I'se singin'.

Tom {laughing). Singing?

Jerry. Why, man, I 'm some singer.

Tom. Where did you ever sing?

Jerry. Down at my gal 's house once.

Tom. Once is right.

Jerry. Say, I'se got some chicken, believe me, an' dis nigger am de only chile dat shines in her eye.

Tom. That's all right about the girl — we are talking about singing now. Say, did you ever sing in public?

Jerry. No; but I sang in a hall once — and before ten thousand people.

Tom. Well, did you make a hit?

Jerry. Did I make a hit? No, I made a home run. You see it was dis way, I sang dat pathetic little love ballad entitled "Will Yo Miss Me." A big, husky, overgrown son-of-a-gun in de gallery wid a brick in each hand said "I'll try not."

Tom. Well, how did you come out?

Jerry. De back door.