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Now, during this

Special S0-day Sale, is the

time to buy this elegant {7-Jewel Elgin. Factory tested and fitted ina 25-year Gold-Filled Case,


Because we wart to Prove to you 7 5 that the great volume of our busi-

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Sins es, DURHAM-DrPLEX DomINo Razor with white Ameri- can ivory handle, safety quard, stropping attachment, package of six of the famous Durham-Duplex dovble-

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Eyeglasses Not Necessary

‘That the eves ean be strenahtencd so that everlasses can be dispensed with in many cases has been proven beyond 4 doubt by the testimony of hundreds of people vho publicly clains that their eye- sight bas been restored by that onderha little ingtrantent called Actina.” “Actinu? is a reliable reeds for Weak Eyes, Granulated Lids, britis, Cataracts, etc, without: entting or drugging. etinas” have been suid o, Actina is Mol fi Cx pe! Miss Lue Terry, Proctor Home, Peoria, T., writes: assure you Ihave great faith in “Actin T belleve it has saved me from total blindness, and as an cye strength ener is better than any spectacles ever made.” ‘Acting’ cnn bg nerd WLLL perfeet satery by every member of the funtily for any aMicdun of the es Uiroat ie head. Send for our FREE THEA Loffer and valuable FRER HOOR, Address

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My Magazine “Investing for Prolit”

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Hundreds of goott positiors now epen, Na experience required to got ong of them. Write today for list of iio earg Big Mortay while you

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‘U.B, Civil Service positions pry wefl, affer eplene aid oportunitica for wdvencen long. You are cigible to try Tseng amination jf you are an American ovet 18, reatand write, Yon eaa qualify at bame BG, 8, help, fa-t year over 100 persons 6 joritfoma ja! Ue G. 8. throneh Uiie tr To leary hug the 1.0. 8. enn betp you, 81 for Free Civil Be: ook.


GOVERNMENT POSITIONS offer omplayment for life ata salury rineite tram @500 to KENOO per year, with shore hours mider Nleasant conditions ail no fear ne laxetts? or aoikes, American ciizens 8 ut over are ehgible. Our 6

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Asample 1915 model “Ranger?” bicycle, on approval

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king orders for Bicycles, Werea and Sundries from our big eatuiog. “Go Business direct with the Wud. ing bicycle house in Ame ‘Do not buy until you Anow what we can do for you WitiTIE FO US


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