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that the members of a tribe assume the name of their totem and also as a rule believe that they are descended from it. It is due to this belief that they do not hunt the totem animal or kill or eat it, and that they deny themselves every other use of the totem if it is not an animal. The prohibitions against killing or eating the totem are not the only taboos affecting it; sometimes it is also forbidden to touch it and even to look at it; in a number of cases the totem must not be called by its right name. Violation of the taboo prohibitions which protect the totem is punished automatically by serious disease or death.[1]

Specimens of the totem animals are sometimes raised by the clan and taken care of in captivity.[2] A totem animal found dead is mourned and buried like a member of the clan. If a totem animal had to be killed it was done with a prescribed ritual of excuses and ceremonies of expiation.

The tribe expected protection and forbearance from its totem. If it was a dangerous animal, (a beast of prey or a poisonous snake), it was assumed that it would not harm, and where this assumption did not come true the per-

  1. Compare the chapter on Taboo.
  2. Just as to-day we still have the wolves in a cage at the steps of the Capitol in Rome and the bears in the pit at Berne.