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The Gallican Form.

The following fragment was translated by Dr. Brett, from Mabillon's edition of an ancient MS. in the Queen of Sweden's Library.

O Jesus, the good High Priest, come and be in the midst of us, as thou wast in the midst of thy disciples; sanctify this oblation, that being sanctified, we may receive it by the hand of thy holy Angel, O Holy Lord and eternal Redeemer.

Our Lord Jesus Christ in that night in which He was betrayed, took bread, and giving thanks, He blessed and brake it, and gave it to his Disciples, saying, Take and eat: this is my Body which shall be delivered for you. Do this as oft as ye eat it in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup, after he had supper, saying, This is the cup of the New Testament, in my blood, which shall be shed for you, and for many, for the remission of sins. Do this as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me.

As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye shall show the Lord's death till He shall come in brightness from the Heavens. R. Amen.

We, O Lord, observing these thy gifts and precepts, lay upon thine Altar the sacrifices of bread and wine, beseeching the deep goodness of thy mercy, that the holy and undivided Trinity may sanctify these Hosts, by the same Spirit through which uncorrupt virginity conceived Thee in the flesh: that when it has been received by us with fear and veneration, whatever dwells in us contrary to the good of the soul may die; and whatever dies, may never rise again!

"We therefore observing these His commandments, offer unto Thee the holy gift of our salvation, beseeching Thee that thou wouldest vouchsafe to send Thy Holy Spirit upon these solemn mysteries, that they may become to us a true Eucharist, in the name of Thee and thy Son, and of the Holy Spirit, that they may confer eternal life and an everlasting kingdom on us who are going to eat and drink of them in the transformation of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, thine only-begotten Son."