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warnings. It may be, it must be, that we knew not the value of that "seal;" but we knew that we were put in trust: and such is uniformly God's dealing with us; whatever gift He confides to us, health, strength, time, talents, reputation. He gives us knowledge enough that we are not to abuse it, and checks us when we begin to do so; but if we persevere, His warnings diminish, and we learn not the value of the gift until we have irrecoverably lost it. So also in spiritual things; all have had their warnings; all knew in a general way, whither their road was leading; all might have known more fully if they had believed; and if the termination of their broad and easy path is more fearful than they anticipated, "Wisdom uttered her voice, but they would not hear." They must eat then of the fruit of their own ways. Away then with all idle speculations as to what we might have been, as we fancy, had our trials been different! It may be well to think what we might have been, had we followed more faithfully God's guidance; so shall we be more humble: but whatever excuse, or imagination, or theory, tends to lead us to throw the blame upon circumstances (whether of nature or of grace) and to withdraw it from ourselves, comes, we may be assured, from the evil one, and would lead us to him. If we have been unfaithful in few things, we should have been yet more so in greater. Rather let us be assured that, however we have failed, our trial was that which was most adapted to us; was allotted us by mercy and wisdom: and let us bless God that, although that first and more joyous way of Baptismal faithfulness may no longer be open to any of us, another, though more rugged and toilsome and watered with bitter tears, is still left. Since we have no longer a whole burnt-offering to lay upon God's altar, let us the more diligently "gather[1] up the fragments which remain," and which, for His Son's sake, He wills "not to be

  1. —— Love too late can never glow,
    The spattered fragments Love can glean,
    Refine the dregs, and yield them clean
    To regions, where one thought serene
    Breathes sweeter than whole years of sacrifice below.

    Christian Year, Sunday before Advent.