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must have such a Thummim as may be gotten upon earth; for St. Paul bids Titus in all things to show himself an example of good works, and this is a Thummim of Integrity. But, besides this Thummim, the Ministers of the Gospel have received from God more especially another Thummim, like unto that which was proper to the High Priest; namely, the power of binding and loosing, which is, as it were, a power of oracle, to declare unto the people the remission of their sins, by the acceptance of Christ's sacrifice.

Mason, Presbyter.Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, i. 2.

Anglican. Our Ministry is agreeable to Divine Scripture, and therefore holy. Nor do we doubt, that, when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, they who turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever and ever. However, what is your argument against our ministry?

Romanist. Can a man be a lawful minister without a lawful call?

Anglican. Of course not.

Romanist. If so, I pray tell me how the Anglican Church can defend her ministry. Surely I may address each of you in Harding's words to Jewel: "What say you, my master? You bear yourself as though Bishop of Salisbury; but how will you substantiate your call? What is your warrant for ministering in the Word and Sacraments? &c. &c." ... I ask thee, is your call inward or outward?

Anglican. Both.

Romanist. An outward call, to be lawful, must be either immediately from Christ's mouth, as the Apostles were called, or mediately through the Church.

Anglican. Well; we are called by God through the Church; for it is He who gives "Pastors and Doctors for the perfecting of the Saints."

Romanist. They who are called by God through the Church, must derive their warrant and power by lawful succession from Christ and the Apostles. If you maintain you have proceeded from this origin, it is your business to prove it clearly to us; to set forth and trace your genealogy....