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hands! That they have to wrestle, not only with flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits that are set up in high places! And whoever opposes these with that truth and freedom that is necessary, instead of honour must expect reproach and persecution; of which it is not the least, that they cannot vindicate the honour of Christ's commission without being thought to seek their own glory. Yet that must not hinder; the successors of the Holy Apostles must be content to pass, as they did, "through evil report and good report, as deceivers, and yet true."

Wilson, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor.Private Thoughts.

"He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold," &c. A lawful entrance, upon motives which aim at the glory of God and the good of souls; an external call and mission, from the apostolic authority of Bishops.

"A stranger will they not follow;" that is, they ought not to follow such as break Catholic Unity.....

Whoever is associated in the Priesthood of Christ, ought, in imitation of Him, to sacrifice himself for the advantage of His Church and for all the designs of God.....

"Bishops and priests," saith St. Ambrose, "are honourable on account of the sacrifice they offer." The power of the keys and the exercise of that power, the due use of confirmation, and previous to that of examination .... are matters of infinite and eternal concern..... (At the Lord's Supper. Before the Service begins.) May it please Thee, O God, who has called us to this ministry, to make us worthy to offer unto Thee this sacrifice for our own sins and for the sins of the people. Accept our service and our persons, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end.—O reject not this people for me and for my sins. Amen.

(Upon placing the Elements upon the Altar.) Vouchsafe to receive these Thy creatures from the hands of us sinners, O Thou self-sufficient God!