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Taylor.—Life of Christ.—On Baptism 24
Heylin.—On the Apostles' Creed 26
Allestrie.—Sermon 28
Barrow.— Of the Holy Ghost 29
Thorndike.— Book iii. chap. viii. 31
Pearson.—Exposition of the Creed 32
Bull.—Sermon vii. 33
Comber.—Part iii. sect iii. ib.
Ken.—Exposition of Church Catechism 36
Patrick.—On Baptism ib.
Beveridge.—On Admission into the Church by Baptism 37
Sharp.—Vol. v. Sermon v. 40
Scott.—Christian Life 41
Jenkin.—On Christian Religion 43
Sherlock.—Vol. ii. Discourse vii. ib.
Wall.— On Infant Baptism 44
Potter.—Of Church Government 45
Nelson.—Festivals and Fasts 46
Waterland.—On Regeneration ib.
Kettlewell.—On the Creed.—Article, Forgiveness of Sins 47
Hickes.—Christian Priesthood ib.
Johnson.—Unbloody Sacrifice 48
Leslie.—On Water Baptism ib.
Wilson.—Maxims of Piety 49
Bingham.—On Lay Baptism ib.
Skelton.—Vol. ii. Discourse xxi. 51
Horne.—Vol. ii. Discourse xviii. 52
Jones.—On the figurative Language of the Holy Scriptures 53
Heber.—Sermons in England 54
Jebb.—Pastoral Instructions ib.
Van Mildert.—Bampton Lectures ib.
Mant.—Bampton Lectures 55