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Ord. No. 69/80
(d) a false indication, or anything likely to be taken as an indication which would be false, that any goods comply with a standard specified or recognized by any person or implied by the approval of any person if there is no such person or no standard so specified, recognized or implied; or
(e) a false indication, or anything likely to be taken as an indication which would be false, that any goods of any class or type—
(i) being goods in respect of which duty is payable under the laws of Hong Kong, are supplied free of the duty so payable in respect of that class or type of goods; or
(ii) not being goods in respect of which duty is payable under the laws of Hong Kong, are supplied free of the duty so payable;

“goods” includes vessel and aircraft, things attached to land and growing crops;

“goods in transit” means goods which—

(a) are brought into. Hong Kong solely for the purpose of taking them out of Hong Kong; and
(b) remain at all times in or on the vessel, aircraft or vehicle in or on which they are brought into Hong Kong;

“import” means to bring, or cause to be brought, into Hong Kong;

“premises” includes any place and any stall, vehicle, vessel or aircraft;

[cf. 1968 c. 29. s. 2(1).]“trade description” means an indication, direct or indirect, and by whatever means given, of any of the following matters with respect to any goods or parts of goods, that is to say—

(a) quantity (which includes length, width, height, area, volume, capacity, weight and number), size or gauge;
(b) method of manufacture, production, processing or reconditioning;
(c) composition;
(d) fitness for purpose, strength, performance, behaviour or accuracy;
(e) any physical characteristics not included in the preceding paragraphs;
(f) testing by any person and results thereof;
(g) approval by any person or conformity with a type approved by any person;
(h) place or date of manufacture, production, processing or reconditioning;
(i) person by whom manufactured, produced, processed or reconditioned;
(j) other history, including previous ownership or use;

“trade mark” means—

(a) a trade mark registered in Hong Kong under the (Cap. 43.)Trade Marks Ordinance;