Page:Traditions of Palestine (microform) (IA traditionsofpale00martrich).pdf/153

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with hunger, they allowed him to go whither he would.

"Though I well know," he said, "that in all this tribulation the word of the Holy One is fulfilled, and though I believe that in his gospel there is an abundant recompence unto all, my spirit is heavy within me. The blood of my people is before me, and their wailings are in mine ear, and I would fain know the issue of these troubles. Go forth, my son Jonathan, and watch from the hill Teresh whether aught further hath befallen the city."

Jonathan departed, not to return till the fate of Jerusalem should be known. Each night, at the first watch, he blew a single blast on the trumpet as a signal to those who listened afar that the besieged were yet unconquered. Though they knew what should come, there was pride in that hour, in the saying of their people that God had made the Hebrews of such a temper that they did not fear death; there was pride that the lion of Judah stood thus long at bay with the hunters.

The Christians were assembled for worship as they were wont before they should go forth