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1 It's a funny thing, this Marconi business, isn't it? ' said Mr. Shaynor, coughing heavily. * Nothing seems to make any difference, by what they tell me — storms, hills, or anything ; but if that's true we shall know before morning.'

  • Of course it's true,' I answered, stepping behind

the counter. ' Where's old Mr. Cashell ? ' 1 He's had to go to bed on account of his influenza. He said you'd very likely drop in.' I Where's his nephew ? ' ' Inside, getting the things ready. He told me that the last time they experimented they put the pole on the roof of one of the big hotels here, and the batteries electrified all the water-supply, and ' — he giggled — ' the ladies got shocks when they took their baths.' I I never heard of that.' ' The hotel wouldn't exactly advertise it, would it? Just now, by what Mr. Cashell tells me, they're trying to signal from here to Poole, and they're using stronger batteries than ever. But, you see, he being the guvnor's nephew and all that (and it will be in the papers too), it doesn't matter how they electrify things in this house. Are you going to watch ? '