Page:Tragedies of Sophocles (Jebb 1917).djvu/113

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Oe. Come ye hither, my child,—let me embrace you—restored beyond all hope!

An. Thy wish shall be granted—we crave what we bestow.

Oe. Where, then, where are ye? An. Here approaching thee together.

Oe. My darlings! An. A father loves his own.

Oe. Props of mine age! An. And sharers of thy sorrow.

Oe. I hold my dear ones; and now, should I die, I were not wholly wretched, since ye have come to me.1110 Press close to me on either side, children, cleave to your sire, and repose from this late roaming, so forlorn, so grievous! And tell me what hath passed as shortly as ye may; brief speech sufficeth for young maidens.

An. Here is our deliverer: from him thou shouldst hear the story, father, since his is the deed; so shall my part be brief.

Oe. Sir, marvel not, if with such yearning I prolong my words unto my children,1120 found again beyond my hope. For well I wot that this joy in respect of them hath come to me from thee, and thee alone: thou hast rescued them, and no man beside. And may the gods deal with thee after my wish,—with thee, and with this land; for among you, above all human kind, have I found the fear of heaven, and the spirit of fairness, and the lips that lie not. I know these things, which with these words I requite; for what I have, I have through thee, and no man else.

Stretch forth thy right hand, O king, I pray thee,1130 that I may touch it, and, if 'tis lawful, kiss thy cheek.—