Page:Tragedies of Sophocles (Jebb 1917).djvu/271

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sister hath broken the harmony of loving days. Electra, forsaken, braves the storm alone; she bewails alway, hapless one, her father's fate, like the nightingale unwearied in lament; she recks not of death, but is ready to leave the sunlight, could she but quell the two Furies of her house.1080 Who shall match such noble child of noble sire?

str. 2.  No generous soul deigns, by a base life, to cloud a fair repute, and leave a name inglorious; as thou, too, O my daughter, hast chosen to mourn all thy days with those that mourn, and hast spurned dishonour, that thou mightest win at once a twofold praise, as wise, and as the best of daughters.

ant. 2.  May I yet see thy life raised in might and wealth above thy foes,1090 even as now it is humbled beneath their hand! For I have found thee in no prosperous estate; and yet, for observance of nature's highest laws, winning the noblest renown, by thy piety towards Zeus.

Enter Orestes, with Pylades and two attendants.

Or. Ladies, have we been directed aright, and are we on the right path to our goal?

Ch. And what seekest thou?1100 With what desire hast thou come?

Or. I have been searching for the home of Aegisthus.

Ch. Well, thou hast found it; and thy guide is blameless.