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nuptials. The wedding was kept at Mr. Arnold's, who gave the entertainment in the true style of English hospitality, and his daughters exerted themselves in welcoming their new sister to her future abode. It was agreed that Lubin, being in partnership with his father, with his bride, should reside at the farm; and that Lucy should takc upon herself the charge of Mr. Percival's domestic affairs, and reside at Rosewood.

The happiness of Rosetta, and the modest cheerfulness that displayed itself in her very look during the nuptial feast, gave many a bitter pang to the heart of lovely Jaue.-Not that she wished to sec her friend less happy, or indulged the baneful passion of envy; no, but it made her feel the horrors of her own situation. Instead of a joyous bride, surrounded by approving friends, she was a miserable dependent on the honour of a mau, of whose voracity she had of late strong and painful doubts. In the course of the evening Jane found an opportunity of conversing unobserved with Henry, and repose her griefs in his bosom. How powerful is the language of persuasion from the lips of those we love! The youth called heaven to witness, that she was more dear to him than his own life; and that he would sooner suffer the most agonizing tortures that invention could devise, or cruelty inflict, than allow the idol of his heart to become the themo of babbling tongues. In short, Jane felt a conviction that she had wronged her lover by her suspicions of his faith, and was eager to obtain his pardon for an offence that she blamed herself in committing against their mutual love. Ere they returned to the company, Jane reminded Henry that she thought tho alliance that had taken place in their two families