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leave to curl your hair myself." The child took up her lesson, fortified by the consciousness of knowing it properly. While she was saying it, a summons came for Miss Beaumont to the parlour, a box had arrived for her from London.

"Be sure you bring your dress in here to shew us," was the universal exclamation. Fanny promised, and tripped lightly away. Her absence was however longer than they expected; at last she returned bringing with her a very elegant looking dress, which she good naturedly held on high, for general inspection. One little step this time ventured to meet her, and a little face bright with smiles, looked up as Emmeline Elphinstone whispered "I have said my lesson."

"It is very beautiful," exclaimed Miss Aiken, "but it is white muslin; I thought that you said you would have white crape, this half."

"I could not afford it," replied Fanny; "and white muslin is just as pretty. But look at the white ribbon trimming. I am sure I can put on yours just the same."

"And Miss Aiken perhaps will do Miss Elphin-