Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 11.djvu/10

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 32, line 12, for Island read Land.
 32, line 7 from bottom, for Peter 1st read Peter's.
 32, lines 3 and 4 from bottom, for Ballemy read Balleny.
 33, lines 13 and 15, for Kemp read Kewp.
 37, line 5 from bottom, for was read is.
 38, line 1, for They read Ships.
 39, line 18, for streets read sewers.
 51, line 14, for consume read conserve.
134, line 20, after from insert the sum of.
136, line 24, for the read this.
136, lines 5 and 6 from bottom, after + insert a comma, and at end of each line add the minus sign.
137, line 2 from bottom, omit To compute the eye and object corrections.
138, before line 1, insert To compute the eye and object corrections.
139, line 11 from bottom, for verticle read vertical.
229, line 13, for bases read hairs.
229, line 16, for leaves read hairs.
269, bottom line, for duodesma read duodenum.
270, line 19, for species read spines.
354, line 13, for Cucubus read Cuculus.
354, line 12 from bottom, for marginal read margined.
366, In title of Art. XLIX., for September read November.
397, In title of Art. LVI., for 30th October read 9th November.
469, line 14 from bottom, for intro read nitro.
474, line 8 from bottom, for suitable read notable.
536, line 10 from bottom, for mataurienis read matauriensis.