Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 2.djvu/15

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XXXV. Remarks on the Coast Line between Kai Iwi and Waitotara, on the West Coast of the Province of Wellington. By R. Pharazyn, F.R.G.S. 158–160
XXXVI. On Alluvial Gold in the Province of Wellington. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. 160
XXXVII. On the Geology of the North Head of Manukau Harbour. By Captain Hutton, F.G.S. 161
XXXVIII. Description of Lava Caves at the "Three Kings," near Auckland. By James Stewart, C.E., Assoc. Inst. C.E. 162–163
XXXIX. On the Wanganui Beds (Upper Tertiaries). By J. Buchanan, of the Geological Survey of New Zealand 163–166
XL. On the Tertiary Series of Oamaru and Moeraki. By Charles Traill 166–169
XLI. Account of a visit to a Hot Spring called "Te Puia," near Wangape lake, Central Waikato, Auckland; in August, 1868. By R. Gillies 169–173
XLII. On Improvements in the Processes for Extracting and Saving Gold. By T. Heale, C.E. 174–176
XLIII. Notes on the Geology of the Outlying Islands of New Zealand; with extracts from Official Reports. Communicated by James Hector, M.D., F.R.S., Director Geological Survey of New Zealand 176–186
XLIV. Notes on a Collection of Saurian remains, from the Waipara River, Canterbury, in the possession of J. H. Cockburn Hood, Esq. By J. Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S. 186–189
XLVI. On University Education, as adapted to the circumstances and prospects of the Colony of New Zealand. By Rev. Charles Fraser, M.A., F.G.S. 192–196
XLVII. On the General Principles of an Education Scheme for New Zealand. By W. S. Hamilton, Mathematical Master, Wellington College and Grammar School 196–197
XLVIII. On the River Systems of the south portion of the Province of Wellington. By J. T. Stewart 198–203
XLIX. On the Raising of the s.s. "Taranaki." By J. T. Stewart 203–211
L. On Thorough Drainage. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. 211–213
LI. On the Surface Fall of Water, as a guide for Under Drainage. By James Baber, C.E. 213
LII. On Sewage Irrigation, and its results, with a Sketch of the Main Drainage Systems of London and Paris. By S. Tancred, Assoc. Inst. C.E. 214–218
LIII. On the Drainage Works at Remuera Swamp. By J. Baber, C. E. 219
LIV. On the Comparative Performances of certain River Steamers on the Waikato. By James Stewart, C.E. 220–221
LV. On the earlier Earthquake Waves observed on the Coast of New Zealand. By C. Davie, Chief Surveyor, Province of Canterbury 222–223
LVI. On a series of Tables for facilitating the Calculation of Altitudes from Barometrical Observations in Mountainous Countries; with explanations. By E. Dobson, C.E., Assoc. Inst. C.E. 223–226
LVII. The earth of New Zealand, a bad Conductor of Electricity, as compared with that of other countries. By F. E. Wright 226–227
LVIII. On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Flight of the Albatros. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S. 227–232
LIX. On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Sailing Flight of the Albatros. By J. S. Webb 233–236
LX. On Sinking Funds. By Captain F. W. Hutton, F.G.S. 236–239
LXII. On the Sand-worn Stones of Evans' Bay. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 247–248