Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 29.djvu/83

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Adams.On Mortality in New Zealand.

Table C.—Ratio of Deaths to Population at each Age ().

Ages. Males. Females. Ages. Males. Females.
 5 .0048 .0042 40 .0083 .0082
 6 .0039 .0033 41 .0087 .0082
 7 .0032 .0026 42 .0092 .0082
 8 .0027 .0022 43 .0097 .0083
 9 .0023 .0020 44 .0102 .0084
10 .0021 .0019 45 .0110 .0085
11 .0021 .0020 46 .0116 .0088
12 .0021 .0021 47 .0123 .0091
13 .0023 .0023 48 .0129 .0095
14 .0025 .0026 49 .0135 .0101
15 .0029 .0030 50 .0139 .0109
16 .0033 .0033 51 .0145 .0116
17 .0038 .0037 52 .0153 .0123
18 .0042 .0040 53 .0163 .0131
19 .0046 .0043 54 .0175 .0138
20 .0050 .0044 55 .0190 .0145
21 .0052 .0047 56 .0205 .0155
22 .0054 .0049 57 .0223 .0166
23 .0055 .0050 58 .0242 .0178
24 .0056 .0052 59 .0261 .0191
25 .0053 .0054 60 .0267 .0199
26 .0053 .0056 61 .0284 .0212
27 .0053 .0058 62 .0305 .0227
28 .0054 .0059 63 .0328 .0245
29 .0055 .0061 64 .0358 .0266
30 .0059 .0063 65 .0420 .0311
31 .0061 .0065 66 .0466 .0342
32 .0063 .0067 67 .0512 .0374
33 .0065 .0070 68 .0556 .0407
34 .0067 .0073 69 .0591 .0430
35 .0068 .0077 70 .0585 .0441
36 .0071 .0080 71 .0602 .0474
37 .0073 .0082 72 .0618 .0522
38 .0076 .0083 73 .0638 .0593
39 .0080 .0084 74 .0669 .0701