Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 30.djvu/17

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A Comparison of New Zealand and Australian Mortality. By C. E. Adams, B.Sc., A.I.A. 586
A Comparison of the Mortality in New Zealand from 1850–70, and from 1870–90. By C. E. Adams 586
The Röntgen Rays. By A. Milne-Thompson, M.B., C.M. 586
Abstract of Annual Report 587
Election of Officers for 1898 587
Abstract of Annual Report 588
Election of Officers for 1898 588
List of Donations 589
Abstract of Annual Report 589–590
Election of Officers for 1898 590
Proposal to amalgamate with Nelson Institute 590


Meteorological Statistics for 1897 593
Notes on the Weather for 1897 594
Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1896 595
Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute 596
Ordinary Members of the New Zealand Institute 597–605
Institutions and Individuals to whom this Volume is presented 606–610
Alphabetical Index 611–615

Contents v.–xi.
List of Plates xiii.
Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute xv.
Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xv.–xvii.
Roll of Incorporated Societies xviii.
Officers of Incorporated Societies, and Extracts from the Rules xviii.–xxi.