Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 4.djvu/41

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Annual Report by the Governors.

Accounts of the New Zealand Institute, 1870–71.

Receipts. Expenditure.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Balance in hand   32  3 0 1. Expenses of Meetings    7  3 1
Government Grant in Aid  500  0 0 2. Expense of publishing vol. iii.  475 14 4
Contribution from Wellington Philosophical Society   16  5 4 3. Miscellaneous—Translating, Binding, etc.   20 10 3
Proceeds of Sale of Transactions   49 16 9 Balance in hand of Treasurer   94 17 5
£598  5 1 £598  5 1

A. Ludlam,

Honorary Treasurer.

23rd August, 1871.