Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 5.djvu/18

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Pl. XVI. Haast.—Haplodactylus donaldii, Kathetostoma giganteum, Leptoscopus huttonii, Notothenia maoriensis, Bowenia novæ-zealandiæ 278
XVII. Potts.—Nests of Certhiparus novæ-zealandiæ and Creadion carunculatus 184
XVIII. {{{1}}} Rallus pectoralis and R. pictus
XIX. Powell.—Stridulating organs of Cicada
1. Salticus appressus; 2. S. minax; 3. S. atratus; 4. S. V-notatus; 6. S. fumosus; 7. S. mustelinus; 8. S. albobarbatus
XX. Cheeseman.—Pterostylis trullifolia 356
XXI. Crawford.—Plan of Miramar Peninsula 396
XXII. Buller.—Porina mairi 280
XIII. Deck.—Tables to accompany Lecture on Infant Mortality App. xxxvi
XIV. H. Skey.—Diagram of the Zodiacal Light {{{1}}}xxxvi