Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 5.djvu/9

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The Editor has to acknowledge the assistance received from Mr. W. T. L. Travers, Mr. J. T. Thomson, Captain Hutton, Captain Edwin, and Mr. W. Skey, in the revision of the papers by those gentlemen.

He has also to acknowledge the assistance received from Mr. R. B. Gore in the preparation of the Meteorological Tables in the Appendix.

The only change which has been made in the arrangement of the volume since last year is that certain lectures and addresses delivered before the Societies have been printed in the Appendix instead of in the body of the work.

The Illustrations have as hitherto been lithographed by Mr. J. Buchanan, and the Board have again to thank the Honourable Colonial Secretary for allowing the use of the Government lithographic press.

Wellington, 29th April, 1873.