Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 9 Supplement.djvu/22

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3. "The Comparative Atmospheric Pressure of New Zealand and Great Britain, considered in reference to Dr. Newman's Theory of Physical Deterioration," by C. Rous Marten, F.R.G.S., F.M.S., M.Sc.M.S. (Transactions, p. 212.)[1]

Dr. Newman likened Mr. Marten to the theological disputants of old, who put imaginary statements into the mouths of their enemies, and then took great delight in showing the folly of their statements. If the author had carefully read his paper, he would have found in it no hint even that atmospheric pressure was in any way connected with human degeneracy in New Zealand. On the contrary, the speaker said he believed the opposite was the case, and stated that the Aymaras, who live on the high lands adjoining the Andes, under a pressure several inches less than that of New Zealand, were a finely-developed race, with broad, deep, capacious chests. The author had bolstered up a theory by selecting certain facts and ignoring others. Mr. Marten had quoted Dr. Hahn in his own favour, but Dr. Hahn said directly the opposite. Dr. Hector had shown at the previous meeting that the average height of the barometer in England was over 30, and in New Zealand under 30 inches. The speaker also refused to accept Mr. Marten's 14 selected stations, and held that if the mean of all the barometric stations in Great Britain was taken, the atmospheric pressure there would be found to be greater than in New Zealand.

Dr. Hector did not quite come to the same conclusions as the author, for although he did not think it would have the effect he understood Dr. Newman to assert, yet he thought the average pressure over the British Islands was slightly in excess of New Zealand.

Captain Edwin agreed with Mr. Marten as to the pressure in New Zealand being higher, and also that the humidity of the atmosphere did exercise a great influence over the barometer.

Mr. Campbell remarked that he had seen it stated that, on averaging the barometric pressure over the earth's surface, the same latitudes in the North and South Hemispheres would not have the same pressure, but that this would be found to be the same when ten degrees nearer the Equator in the Southern Hemisphere.

Mr. Marten, in reply, said that he certainly considered he understood Dr. Newman's statement regarding the pressure, and it was only concerning the difference in pressure that he attempted any comparison. He had obtained his information from reliable sources.

4. "Notes on the Antarctic Petrel (Priocella antarctica)," by Dr. Hector, C.M.G., F.R.S. (Transactions, p. 464.)

The specimen was presented to the Colonial Museum by Mr. J. J. Buckrell.

5. "Observations on a Species of Shag inhabiting Queen Charlotte Sound," by Dr. W. L. Buller, C.M.G., President. (Transactions, p. 338.)

6. "On a Tendency to Deformity in the Bill of Nestor meridionalis," by Dr. Buller, C.M.G. (Transactions, p. 340.)

7. "On the alleged Intercrossing of Ocydromus earli and the Domestic Fowl," by Dr. Buller, C.M.G. (Transactions, p. 341.)

8. Notice of Senecio perdicioides," By J. Buchanan, F.L.S.

The President read this paper, which described a plant that had not been met with since the visit of Captain Cook.

  1. [Erratum,—Page 213, line 8 and 9 from the bottom, omit "a standard work which."]