Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 9 Supplement.djvu/35

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Auckland Institute.

natural history, &c., presented to the Museum by the Rev. G. Brown, C.M.Z.S., who had resided for the last two years on the little-known islands of New Britain and New Ireland.

Annual General Meeting. 19th February, 1877.

J. C. Firth in the chair.

New Members.—H. T. Carr, C.E., E. M. Harrison, H. Pollen, J. C. Seccombe.

The Secretary read the annual report and balance-sheet.

Abstract of Annual Report.

The Council congratulate the members on the removal of many of the obstacles that for so long a period have impeded the proper development of the Institute. Since the last annual meeting the new Museum buildings have been completed and opened to the public, and through the receipt of the grant of £2,200 voted during the last session of Parliament, are now entirely free from debt. Numerous donations have been made to the Museum, among them a portion of the extensive collections made on the islands of New Britain and New Ireland, by the Rev. G. Brown, C.M.Z.S. The Library formerly belonging to the Auckland Provincial Council, consisting of 2,500 volumes of well-selected works, has been placed by the Government in the keeping of the Institute, and, together with that of the Institute, is now being maintained as a Free Public Library for the inhabitants of Auckland. Since the 1st December last, both the Museum and Library have been opened to the public daily.

On the motion of Mr. Firth, the report was adopted.

Election of Officers for 1877.—President—R. C. Barstow, R.M.; Council—J. L. Campbell, M.D., J. C. Firth, His Honour Mr. Justice Gillies, J. Goodall, the Hon. Col. Haultain, T. Heale, G. M. Mitford, J. A. Pond, Rev. A. G. Purchas, M.R.C.S.E., J. Stewart, C.E., the Hon. F. Whitaker; Auditor—T. Macffarlane; Secretary and Treasurer—T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S.