Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 9 Supplement.djvu/47

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Otago Institute.

Ninth Meeting. 3rd October, 1876.

R. Gillies, President, in the chair.

"On Skew Arches," by W. Arthur, C.E. (Transactions, p. 265.)

Tenth Meeting. 17th October, 1876.

R. Gillies, President, in the chair.

New Members.—R. Dick, J. Reith, N. L. Buchanan, C. R. Chapman.

"Inductions in support of the Argument for the Direct Creation of Primordial Types," by the Right. Rev. Bishop Nevill.

Eleventh Meeting. 24th October, 1876.

R. Gillies, President, in the chair.

New Members.—Dr. Murphy, A. Hyslop.

Mr. J. T. Thomson was chosen to vote in the election of the Board of Governors for the ensuing year, in accordance with Clause 7 of the New Zealand Institute Act.

The nomination for the election of honorary members of the New Zealand Institute was made in accordance with Statute IV.

1. "Contributions to the Entomology of New Zealand," by Captain F. W. Hutton, Director of the Otago Museum. (Transactions, p. 355.)

2. "Notes on some Otago Plants," by G. M. Thomson. (Transactions, p. 538.)

3. "On a Second Discovery of Moa-bones at Hamilton," by B. S. Booth. (Transactions, p. 365.)

4. "Remarks on Dr. von Haast's Classification of the Moas," by Captain Hutton. (Transactions, p. 363.)

5. "Note on the Maori Rat," by Capt. Hutton. (Transactions, p. 348.)

6. "On the Relation between the Ahuriri and Pareora Formations," by Captain Hutton. (Transactions, p. 590.)

Twelfth Meeting. 31st October, 1876.

H. Skey, Vice-president, in the chair.

New Member.—J. L. Shaw.

1. "Corrections and Additions to the Catalogue of New Zealand Echinodermata (1872)," by Captain F. W. Hutton. (Transactions, p. 362.)

2. "The Building Materials of Otago. Part III.—Timbers," by W. N. Blair, C.E. (Transactions, p. 134.)