Page:Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute - Volume 1 (2nd ed.).djvu/474

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From the discovery of America (1492) to 1600—108 years. 41,000,000
From 1600 to 1700 80,000,000
From 1700 to 1800 America 100,000,000
Africa, Russia 27,000,000
From 1801 to 1850 America 60,000,000
Russia 30,000,000
50 years 90,000,000
From 1851 to 1860 America, excluding California, say 7,000,000
California 23,000,000
Australia 25,000,000
Russia 7,000,000
10 years 62,000,000
From 1861 to 1867 California and British Columbia 11,200,000
Australia 13,300,000
Rest of America and Russia, say 8,400,000
New Zealand 3,500,000
Total Amount, 1492 to 1867.
Russian Dominions 33,74,000
Europe (Austria) 3,271,000
Southern Asia (East Indies) 11,300,000
Africa 2,436,000
South America 26,136,900
United States 52,400,000
British Columbia 1,440,000
Australia 39,183,000
New Zealand, to July, 1868 3,906,500 [1]

Thus the Average Annual Yield of Gold has been for the—

17th century 800,000
18th {{{1}}} 1,270,000
1801 to 1850 1,800,000
1851 to 1860 6,200,000
1861 to 1867 (including New Zealand to date) 5,002,000

In reporting some of the most interesting results of the labours of the Geological Department since last meeting, Dr. Hector said that there had been upwards of five hundred analyses made in the laboratory, and the results of each had been entered in a book, which was open for inspection by members. The principal analyses recently made were of samples from the large deposits of brown coal which had been found in Southland. This coal occurred in seams of great thickness, being in some places over thirty-five feet thick; and though it was inferior in quality to the coal on the West Coast, it would no doubt prove of great local value, and perhaps be extensively

  1. The total yield of gold in New Zealand from 30th April, 1857, to 31st December, 1874, was 7,599,973 ounces, valued at £29,577,016.—Ed.