Page:Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute - Volume 1 (2nd ed.).djvu/523

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Meteorological Statistics

Showing the Rainfall in the North and South Islands of New Zealand complied from the earliest Observations to the present date, 1867.

Place. Mean
Average of Rainfall for the different Seasons of the Year, with the Mean Number of Days of Rain. Mean
of Days
on which
Rain falls
(Sept., Oct., Nov.)
(Dec., Jan., Feb.)
(Mar., April, May.)
(June, July, Aug.)
North Island Inches. Inches. Days. Inches. Days. Inches. Days. Inches. Days. Days.
Auckland 44.682 11.031 45  8.378 27 11.009 37 14.265 56 177 15 years
Taranaki 58.584 17.088 42 10.974 27 14.133 30 17.190 47 146 12{{{1}}}
Wellington 50.091 12.148 35  9.085 27 12.660 33 16.021 46 146 10{{{1}}}
Means for North Island 51.119 13.422 40  9.679 27 12.602 33 15.828 49 156
South Island
Nelson 54.721 16.476 28 13.211 17  8.795 19 14.551 23  92 16 years
Christchurch* 31.036  5.145 24  7.266 23  8.022 26 13.198 35 113 11{{{1}}}
Dunedin 32.886  8.129 44  9.428 41  7.943 38  7.253 36 178 15{{{1}}}
Means for South Island 39.474 10.006 32  9.968 27  8.253 27 11.665 31 127
51.119 13.422 40  9.676 27 12.602 33 15.828 49 156
39.747 10.006 32  9.968 27  8.253 27 11.665 31 127
Means for both Islands 45.433 11.714 36  9.823 27 10.427 30 13.746 35 141

* The monthly average for the amount of rain and the number of days of rainfall are only for eight years, while the mean annual fall and number of days are for the eleven years.

Note.—From the above it will be observed that Taranaki has the lightest average annual rainfall (58.584), and Nelson is the next (54.721), while the average means for Christchurch (31.636) and Dunedin (32.886) are the lowest; but while Dunedin has a much smaller annual fall of rain than the others, yet there are a greater number of days of rain yearly at that place than at any of the other stations; and although the mean fall for Nelson is one of the lightest averages, still the mean number of days of rain in that locality is the least of all. Taking these six stations, the annual rainfall and number of days of rain is greater in the North than in the South Island.